Now linked in with Oodle.com
We’re very excited to announce that our work to integrate your jobs with the job development team at Oodle.com is complete. Oodle.com is a worldwide listings site with a very comprehensive job listings section and we are proud to announce that we are now feeding the jobs you post with us directly to them.
You will be able to see your listings on Oodle.com if you chose an ‘All in One’ job listing when you posted your job here with us. You can see all the latest singer jobs we have sent their way.
Oodle.com is just one of our partners that include Jobisite and Jooble. Our aim is for our recruiters have a large and broad jobseeker audience for every vacancy posted here to Singer Jobs.
Like our site? Need to post your music or education vacancy with us? Post your job now and find out more by following the link below..
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